Thursday, August 28, 2008

I came here to make you dance tonight!

Not really. But we all know that line from a song by Cobra Starship called 'Guilty Pleasure' (or Placer Culpable, if you please) and it got me thinking.

I've been asked a lot 'What song is your guilty pleasure' and it makes me think, why I should feel guilty for enjoying a song? What makes a song/musician a 'guilty pleasure'? Is it something universal that I should just automatically know? Does one song considered a guilty pleasure by one person mean that generally, anyone who listens to it should feel guilty about enjoying it? Or can one man's guilty pleasure be another man's treasure?

Should you ever feel embarrassed or ashamed to admit that you like a song that's maybe not mainstream or 'cool' or whatever other criteria it doesn't meet? Whose opinion do you go by if not your own? If you love a song enough to call it your guilty pleasure why are you suddenly ashamed to admit to it? Because says so? Because the so called 'important' media such as Rolling Stone only gave your favorite song one star out of 5. If I only listened to music that pleased's standards, I would listen to Cute Is What We Aim For because Jason Tate disapproves. Rolling Stone didn't have much of anything nice to say about Katy Perry, yet, her song's been number one for weeks! That's a lot of guilty pleasures, if we were going by Rolling Stone's standards.

Listen to what makes you happy. Don't try too hard to label it. Don't feel ashamed of what you are listening to. If Polka makes you happy, blast it from your speakers! Love every polka track you can on Lastfm. Do it! Dance like no one is watching and listen like no one is judging you! It's your life, you create your playlists don't let anyone tell you what shouldn't be on it.

Currently listening: Charlotte Sometimes - Waves and The Both of Us (incredibly solid record, btw, run to the store and get it!)

Yes, I am suggesting something that should be on your playlist, ok. That's what I do! But I would never tell you what to *not* listen to! That's blasphemous! Love music! Give everything a chance.


P.S. In the comments, tell me what you're listening to right now or the last song you listened to!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

completely agree with this post! I hate when people judge you because of what you listen to. Personally, I respect anyone that can sing or play an instrument