According to this Fox news article, Virgin and Capitol records will be losing the president of both companies! (They aren't dying...just retiring, resigning or possibly moving to Hawaii?)
What does this mean for the labels? What does this mean for the artists on these labels? Will things change significantly for either company?
Does a record label even need anyone to 'run it' at this point? The music industry is on a steady spiral downward and this is only another pin in the doll* as far as I'm concerned!
*YES, the rapid spiral downward has made me envision some higher power poking a voodoo doll with pins and needles. One pin stalled record sales, one pin closed down all the record stores and now this new pin is getting rid of the record labels! And not to mention the one pin that brought us Soulja Boy! Pure cruelty. I wonder if one of those pins is also causing global warming and this heatwave for the past two days? Ok...moving on.*
If the loss of the president of a company results in that company going kaput, what happens to a company that was already on the verge of kaput and just need a little push in the wrong direction? Is that the push? Maybe not having one person in charge of everything will be a step in the right direction? Who knows? I guess only time will tell at this point. I for one am getting very nervous because deep down I have faith that the music industry can be revived. It's also hurting me deeply that the Virgin Mega Record Store in Times Square will be closing down soon.
I don't know what to make of all of this, but I do know that....it can't be good. Then again, it can't get any worse than it is now. And I just bummed myself out because I realized it CAN get much worse! I just read a post on Buzznet.com about the possibility of music only being released digitally! No more hanging out at your local record stores because...they WON'T BE THERE!
Maybe the fact that there will not be a corporation on every bands case looking to make a profit will result in more authentic bands and not just 'look' bands or bands created by a label with $ in their eyes. I'm starting to see the positivity? And MAYBE everything going digital is just something that changes with the times and I've got to get used to it! I'm notorious for melting over nostalgz so I'm sorry if I'm not jumping for joy that everything I have even been used to for the past 23 years is about to change! But, how did my parents feel when CDs halted the mass production of Vinyls? How about DVDs pwning VHS cassettes? Every generation has to lose something in order to gain a better version of whatever it was, right? I'm not stoked but I am more open minded for this change.
I guess were only a few years away from flying cars and robot operated EVERYTHING! Ha.
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