TV Shows like 'The Hills' make this question really simple to answer. Yes. I tried to watch an episode and I was honestly confused as to what I was watching.
The show is clearly scripted so these people aren't even interesting enough for actual 'reality' but they all (with the exception of Spencer, he gives me the creeps) happen to be extremely beautiful. Beautiful rich kids in Los Angeles with no lives = reality show? Apparently. Maybe they should start asking us what we want to watch. Does beauty sell? Who is the person in charge of deciding what beauty is anyway?! How come we don't know what those people look like, lol. If they are beauty connoisseurs, how would they rate on their own scales. I often feel like if they put regular normal looking people on tv instead of Barbie molds, we might not watch as much because we look at TV to see something different from real life to escape the normal things we deal with in real life. I honestly think that's no longer true. TV is so different from the 60s or whenever this whole 'only beautiful people belong on tv' thing started. The hottest selling item right now is REALITY! The main part of that word being the REAL. How can I believe in a reality show like The Hills when I only see one kind of person. Who's reality is that? It's not my reality, it's not even THEIR reality even though they try really hard to make us believe so. We are demanding reality tv at the moment and getting a distorted version of the truth! I want to see something on reality TV that makes me say 'wow, that reminds me of me and my best friend' and I'm sure other people feel the same way! Sure, there are the people who love shows like The Hills and Laguna Beach or whatever else MTV has force fed us in the past few years but we don't look at shows like that and relate. At least I don't. I look at those kinds of shows and feel bad that all these people have in life are 'looks' and that it's the only thing moving them forward in life. I'd like to see a show about normal people using their brains to get ahead...and no, I don't mean a reality show based on Ken Jennings! Hahaha. Seriously, it's time for a change MTV. I challenge you to give a normal person a reality show, if it sucks I'll buy every season of The Hills on DVD. But if it doesn't suck and it does well, that would be enough for me. Just knowing you've been hit with the knowledge that the plastic surgery, LA, party-hopping crowd aren't the only ones who can give good TV.
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